The secret’s out: cropped and edited pictures can be restored
Do you edit images in Windows 11 or on Google Pixel? Due to a developer error, hidden information in cropped or edited pictures can be recovered.
3334 articles
Do you edit images in Windows 11 or on Google Pixel? Due to a developer error, hidden information in cropped or edited pictures can be recovered.
Scammers are pretending to offer users tens of thousands of dollars, supposedly accumulated in an account on an “automated cloud-mining platform”.
OpenAI not so open, DEA tools used to extort victims and crypto ATMs hacked!
Cybercriminals are using hijacked SharePoint servers to send dangerous notifications.
Vulnerabilities found in the Exynos chipset allow Samsung, Vivo and Google smartphones to be remotely hacked if the owner’s phone number is known. How is this possible, and how to protect yourself?
Thriving ChatGPT black market, ransomware gangs take a new level of bad and more
How scammers force website owners to add potentially dangerous links by threatening harsh consequences for copyright infringement.
You shouldn’t put off updating to iOS 16.3 and macOS Ventura 13.2 and future updates, and here’s why.
Scammers are using social engineering to shake down newly onboarded employees.
If you want your smart home to do more good than harm, you should configure it correctly and secure it adequately. We review smart-home security in detail.
We investigate why chip cards are no panacea, and what precautions should be taken when making a payment.
TikTok time limits, gamers fight back against hackers and FTX woes continue
It’s common practice in many companies to keep work and personal information separate. But browser synchronization often remains unnoticed — and attackers are already exploiting it.
We explain how attackers can steal your credentials and how you can prevent it.
We explain why it’s best not to use desktop versions of messengers such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and the like.
Business is actively moving over to open-source solutions. How can the transition be made successfully, and what are the risks to consider?
Signal to leave U.K?, A.I chatbots in SnapChat and LockBit ransomware – it’s all in the Transatlantic Cable!
We explain how two-factor authentication with one-time codes works, what the benefits and risks are, and what else you can do to better protect your accounts.
AI is going to have a tremendous impact on our lives. How can we get ready for it?
Meet the new Kaspersky: We introduce our new product line and tell you about the improvements our home users can expect.