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Trapped in social networks

A recent survey of 4,831 active social network users, conducted by Kaspersky Lab in 12 countries, reveals that an overwhelming majority (78%) of respondents considered quitting their social networks —

Black Friday Survival Guide

Black Friday’s coming, and that means huge rebates and sales. Actually, the hype has already started and the sales have begun. If you have ever tried shopping offline on that

A Trojan from Google ads

If you don’t go to suspicious sites, malware can’t get you — right? Well, no. Unfortunately, even those who do not open unreliable e-mail attachments, avoid porn sites, and do

Navigation wars

Even people who avoid online services can find their lives affected by them. For example, one morning you might wake up to find your usually quiet local street has become

Is biometric banking secure?

Biometric identification — using unique physical attributes such as fingerprints to authenticate people — has been considered secure for a long time. As such, the technology is very appealing to