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Tesla Model S was hacked remotely

Researchers at Chinese security company Keen Lab claim that they have managed to remotely hack an unmodified Tesla Model S with the latest firmware installed. After one driver’s interaction with

Futureproofing cybersecurity

The cybersecurity industry has a fundamental insecurity: talent supply. Frost & Sullivan estimates that by the year 2020 the field of cybersecurity will see a talent shortage of 1.5 million

Blockchain, simplified

Bitcoin, and its fundamental technology blockchain, have been popping up in the news plenty over the past few years. However, discussion about them is typically a bit high level —

How Internet ads work

For centuries, advertising was fundamentally unidirectional. A company blasted out advertising and the public — actually, not a very predictable portion of the public — received it. That’s still the

Lurk: Seek and destroy

Perhaps the biggest problem with cybercriminals is that they are extremely difficult to catch. Think of a real-life bank robbery with guns and face-masks — the thieves leave fingerprints; their