Network-wide protection: how to set up VPN on a router
Get all the benefits of a VPN — not just on your phone, but on your home computer, game console and smart TV too. The easiest way is to enable the VPN feature on your home router.
Economics. Eschatology. Infosec.
108 articles
Get all the benefits of a VPN — not just on your phone, but on your home computer, game console and smart TV too. The easiest way is to enable the VPN feature on your home router.
Proper account security not only reduces the number of cyberattacks on companies — it brings financial benefits too. What needs to be done to reap them?
Now anyone can sign device firmware with MSI private keys. This represents a long-term persistent risk to be considered by all users.
Сloud technologies differ in terms of both costs and risks. What cloud type should you choose, and how should you begin your migration?
Website names in the ZIP and MOV domains are indistinguishable from file names. How will this affect IT systems, and what will threat actors do?
Learn how geolocation services work, and who learns of your location when your smartphone pins it down.
Hardware crypto wallets are effective at protecting your cryptocurrency, but they can still be stolen from. Let’s address the risks their owners need to be protected from.
Open-source applications require proper implementation and maintenance; otherwise a company could face many threats. We highlight the key risks.
How to set up modern VPN services to significantly speed up the connection and access new content securely.
Vulnerabilities found in the Exynos chipset allow Samsung, Vivo and Google smartphones to be remotely hacked if the owner’s phone number is known. How is this possible, and how to protect yourself?
If you want your smart home to do more good than harm, you should configure it correctly and secure it adequately. We review smart-home security in detail.
We investigate why chip cards are no panacea, and what precautions should be taken when making a payment.
Business is actively moving over to open-source solutions. How can the transition be made successfully, and what are the risks to consider?
Chances are your home already contains a few smart components. But can you make them even smarter so as to reap yet more benefits from them?
Have you ever come across the words Secure DNS or Private DNS in your smartphone settings and security apps? It’s best to keep this feature enabled – it has many advantages.
New iPhone 14 wows with Emergency SOS feature for emergency calls via satellite. How does it work, and is it available on any other smartphone?
Information security measures are far more effective when supported by top management. How to get this support?
A new generation of chatbots creates coherent, meaningful texts. This can help out both cybercriminals and cyberdefenders.
Received an attractive job offer from a stranger? Be careful! It could be a scam…
What to do if your secret messenger isn’t secret enough.