Interpol and Kaspersky Lab Formalize Relations

While each country has its own legislation and borders, cybercriminals perform their activities worldwide. International cooperation is essential to successfully stop them. As a result, Interpol and Kaspersky Lab have

While each country has its own legislation and borders, cybercriminals perform their activities worldwide. International cooperation is essential to successfully stop them. As a result, Interpol and Kaspersky Lab have joined forces.

Kaspersky Lab has extensive experience of investigating cyberthreats. In turn, Interpol has an excellent system of searching for criminals and working with law enforcement agencies around the world, as well as its own widespread network of agents in more than 190 countries worldwide.

By combining Kaspersky Lab’s experience with Interpol’s resources, offenders can no longer feel safe interfering with, for example, US banks while he is based in Estonia. Nor can he hope to run away to the sun with his ill-gotten gains.

“I have dreamed of creating an Internet Interpol for many years. From now on, no criminal will be able to lie low in some faraway country.”

Kaspersky Lab CEO Eugene Kaspersky reached this historic agreement at a meeting with Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble and cybercrime expert Noboru Nakatani, executive director of Interpol’s Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI). Both parties are extremely happy.

“I’ve been looking to create an Internet Interpol for years, and now, finally, it has become a reality. We are actively involved in investigating cybercrime by providing our expertise, technology and resources to law enforcement agencies in different countries around the world. Now criminals will not be able to lie low in some faraway country, to hide behind physical borders,” said Eugene after the negotiations.

Kaspersky Lab experts will also welcome the news, as they can now look forward to regular visits to the warmth of Singapore, where IGCI is set to open an office in 2014. Kaspersky Lab will become part of an international Internet Police which is currently under development. With the help of Interpol’s efforts and the expertise of Kaspersky Lab, this will strike a powerful blow against crime. In short, we will help turn up the heat on cybercriminals in any corner of the world and in every nook and cranny of the web.


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