14 articles
Got a message from your boss or coworker asking you to “fix a problem” in an unexpected way? Beware of scammers! How to protect yourself and your company against a potential attack.
Fake websites and email addresses are often used in phishing and targeted attacks. How do fake domains get created, and how to spot one?
Cybercriminals can access the e-mails of folks you’re in correspondence with and then try to hijack your conversations.
Anti-phishing lessons: what company employees should know about fake notifications about account security.
Why the computers in human resources are especially vulnerable, and how to protect them.
Cybercriminals have adopted the marketing tool for information collection.
BEC attacks that use compromised mailboxes are especially dangerous. Here’s how we learned to identify them.
Companies worldwide regularly fall victim to business e-mail compromise attacks. We explain the danger and how to minimize it.
Phishing and business e-mail compromise attacks rely on fake e-mails. But why is it so easy for attackers to make them so convincing?
Toyota’s European division just lost more than $37 million to cybercriminals. Learn how to avoid becoming a victim of a BEC attack.