Make your digital life easier with Kaspersky solutions
Life has made a dramatic shift online in 2020. Our solutions will help you avoid unnecessary stress in the new reality.
28 articles
Life has made a dramatic shift online in 2020. Our solutions will help you avoid unnecessary stress in the new reality.
We explain how to keep your computer running fast without sacrificing protection.
Faster, better, more secure – find out what else has changed in the 2020 versions of Kaspersky security solutions.
What’s new in the Kaspersky 2019 product lineup? Speed, security, and design improvements.
If your Kaspersky product tells you something about an “Invalid key file” or ”Integrity violation,” here’s what to do.
Our infographics will help you find the security solution that suits you best.
Living online is more comfortable than ever — do you really still need a helmet?
Every gamer knows what Steam is and more than likely uses it. Steam accounts are also bought and sold for real money, which makes them very attractive to cybercriminals. We’ve already
Fall is update season, at least in the high-tech world. We introduced our new product familyrecently, and Microsoft issued a critical update for Windows 10, aka Redstone 1 or Anniversary
Danger often comes from an unexpected direction. For example, while you are alert to pickpockets, criminals may be approaching invisibly, over Wi-Fi. Here’s a typical scenario: Let’s say you meet
The surest way to prevent your webcam from transmitting images or video is to cover its lens. Lots of security-minded folks do just that, having read scary stories about malware
Installing a security solution is important, however you just cannot assume that you are done there. Keeping your antivirus databases up-to-date is just as important as the initial install. Kaspersky
No electronic device, however reliable it may be is 100% fail-safe. In order to make sure your files are not lost due to some kind of failure, we recommend you
A strong password is essential for today’s online world. It should be at least eight characters and include capital and lower case letters along with numbers and special characters. They
It’s hard to secure a home network, which includes various devices like PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. One vulnerable gadget puts all of the others at risk. But if Kaspersky
Have you recently noticed some weird suggestions on your Netflix account? Have you seen a new user under your account that you have no idea how it got there? Well,
Passwords have been around since the early days — in 200 B.C., the Romans used them on a day-to-day basis to organize and manage actions of military units. With the
Nearly everyone has faced a cyber criminal’s activity at one point or another. You have probably received a magical SMS that read something like: “You are the winner!!! Your Ferrari
Are you growing concerned about where exactly your children hang around after school? Or how much time they spend on their mobile phones? Or are you worried who they message
What if you could be sure that your kids use Internet safely while their smartphones are protected from fraud, unwanted calls and SMS? Moreover, what if you could find your