Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 102

In this edition of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast, Jeff and Dave discuss smart nappies (diapers), the Equifax fine and more.

Welcome to the 102nd instalment of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast. For this week’s episode, Dave and I stay mostly in the consumer sphere with some highlights for parents.

The first story of the week takes a look at the fine levied on Equifax following their 2017 databreach. The 700 million dollar fine levied doesn’t sit well with me, but you can hear the full takes in the podcast. From there, we jump over to privacy from a banking institution who points out that posting pets on Instagram may be putting millennials at risk for fraud. Our third story is the one that NO ONE asked for – smart diapers (nappies for those in the UK). We wrap up with a story of stolen data tied to a malicious phishing attack at Lancaster University. Seriously, is there ever a non-malicious phishing attack?

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