NB: Threat matching must be performed by the Customer’s tools, as Kaspersky only provides text-based feeds. This makes all Kaspersky data feeds and data streams 100% guaranteed safe to use by any companies and entities, even those from countries that might be otherwise reluctant to adopt Kaspersky products.

Kaspersky Threat Data Streams
Data streams are used by Kaspersky technology partners for feeding their hardware/ software networks security appliances with threat indicators from Kaspersky.

Open Source Software Threats Data Feed
Kaspersky Open Source Software Threats Data Feed is designed to be included in DevSecOps processes for monitoring the used open source components in order to detect the threats that might be hidden inside.

Vulnerability Data Feed
Kaspersky Vulnerability Data Feed accelerates security operations by providing data about security vulnerabilities and related cyber threat intelligence to reduce cyber risks and streamline investigation and response.

Suricata Rules Feed
A set of Suricata rules to leverage global knowledge about sophisticated network threats that escape standard network security controls
Cloud Access Security Broker Data Feed
This feed can be used to categorize traffic in order to monitor or block access to unwanted cloud services from the corporate network. It is intended for our technology partners and security vendors who want to implement their own Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) solution.

Web Categories Data Feed
Kaspersky Web Categories Data Feed is designed for web content filtering services and provides regularly updated records that include domains and their associated categories.

IoT Threat Data Feed
Kaspersky Internet of Things Threat Data Feed provides reliable, detailed and frequently updated intelligence about the newest threats affecting Internet of Things (IoT) products and devices.

Anti-Phishing Feeds
Kaspersky Phishing URL Data Feed offers real-time updated feed of confirmed phishing URLs, masks and IPs, providing our partners with deep coverage, high accuracy and reliable detection of increasingly sophisticated phishing attacks.

Anti-Botnet Feeds
Kaspersky Anti-Botnet Data Feed provides accurate, reliable and actionable intelligence about malicious botnets damaging your clients and disrupting your business.